Time for the Calm

Being a single gal in the big city with a new full-time job to keep me immersed, not to mention friends and co-workers who enjoy peer-pressuring me out on week nights for a cocktail (or 4), it isn't often that I am able to experience the calm after the storm. Nope, here in Manhattan it is more likely the tornado after the storm that is to be acquainted.
I've always considered myself a fairly level-headed, down to earth, semi-introvert who has always embraced and welcomed solo time... Meeee time. However the past few weeks seem to be such a whirl-wind of activities, outtings and people, that I find it hard to keep track of where my life has gone and even more so, where the crap the TIME has gone...
It's just about the first of May and I see that Spring is in full swing here. Colorful tulips border city streets and budding cherry blossoms give off a tender, candied smell as they sway in the roaring breeze of midtown. The old nursery rhyme is certainly ringing true, May flowers are in the works, alright.
With all of these subtle hints of nature poking throug this concrete labarynth, you'd think I would have made plenty of time to "stop and smell the roses". Yet here I haphazardly sit, typing away at my keyboard after countless days and weeks of absence in oblivion.
And so here marks a new declaration: I have finally decided to put my foot down and expose the calm after the hurricane of activities that has been my life for the past several weeks and sit in peace. Nothing but my box fan rotating in the corner and the unobtrusive, vague resonance of commuters making way on the FDR to distract me...
Yup, I've even put the trusty iPod into hibernation and ran sans songs on my daily jog.
See that? I'm not kidding around!