Sunday, March 19, 2006

Not So Smooth Sailing

I flew in very early for the big bon voyage. I was tired, working on zero hours of sleep the night before and dozed off plenty of times on the plane over. After the long embarkation lines and confirmations, I made my way to my cabin. Everything about the trip so far reminded me of 4-LC and our journey we took 3 years ago to the Caribbean. It was exactly like this. The ship was so similar; the entertainment, the views, even the cabin was comparable, although not as nice. This one didn't have a window.

When I got to my cabin, and my cell phone stopped working, I panicked. I felt entirely cut off from everyone, and more alone than ever before. It wasn't helping that the scenery was making me miss 4-LC emmensly. I cried good and hard. It may very well have been the first time I've had a good cry over it all since it happened over a year ago. I guess the reality of my surroundings brought it all to surface.

After that I fell asleep, listening to classic jazz music which often comforts me. That 'old New York' feeling always seems to remind me of familiarity. I must have slept for over 3 hours because I was awoken to a maid who had entered the room and was unlocking the mini bar in my cabin. I thanked her and explained myself for my slumber. Which, looking back I think is silly... Why did I feel the need to explain my exhaustion? I guess because all of the other guests were running around like children in a candy store clutching frozen tropical concoctions, way too excited to be napping.

Anyway, when I finally awoke we were just beginning to set sail. I quickly washed my face, grabbed my camera and ventured out onto the main deck of the ship. After snapping a few pictures of the scenary I noticed an exotic-looking, skinny blonde in front of me lighting a cigarette. She looked around my age, or even younger. She came and sat down next to me and it appeared to me that she was looking to have a conversation. I turned to face her and preceded to ask her if she had ever been on a cruise before. She smiled as she turned to me at the same time and said she was about to ask me that exact question. I told her I had been before with my Ex and that this time I was traveling alone. She smiled and said she was here with her husband, it was their first cruise and that she expected a younger crowd. I agreed and then she left.

I walked around a bit, registered my credit card and sat down in another main area outside. I received a text message from 4-LC. My phone worked for about a minute more before losing signal again. It saved my life at that moment. "Great to hear from u before ur cruise. Have such a great time & I'll be thinking about u out there on ur own. Talk 2 u very soon. Bon voyage Lan!" I hesitated whether or not to respond. I knew I didn't have to, since I had spoken to him earlier. But I wanted him to know how I felt. I responded " Thx, that is comforting to know.." I also got a text from Nelly- happy and carefree as usual. A picture of him sticking out his tongue in response to a picture of the ship leaving port which I had just quickly sent to a few friends. At the bottom of his picture read "Blueberries"... What a nut. I won't mention it should have said "Raspberries". At least it helped to cheer my up as I was feeling so alone...


Blogger Unknown said...

hey don't be down! relax! i got a word for you- SPA!

3/20/06, 5:07 PM  
Blogger the Wootang said...

i used to be anti-cell phone. but now that i have one, i feel naked with out it. unless i really am naked.

3/20/06, 7:50 PM  
Blogger Marissa said...

you amaze me that you did this trip. this is next on my agenda of things to alone. how liberating!

3/22/06, 7:33 PM  

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