So Long Morning Sunrise...

So I moved out of my apartment last weekend.. It was a bittersweet moment due to the many happy memories had in my very first nyc apartment which faced the East River and allowed me to watch the sunrise every morning.
We hadn't really planned to move out end of the month... But there the new rent sat for us every day... and every day we questioned whether or not we were all prepared to sign up for another year at a much higher rate than before.
And then the decision was made... quicker than anyone ever could have predicted. Especially since we were so indecisive for such a long time.
"Hi Dad? I know you probably have things to do the next few days... But would it be too much to ask for you to cancel all your plans for the weekend and come on into the city to move me out?"
Luckily it all went smoothly and I am comfortably laying around at a friend's place in the area scouring Craigslist on a daily basis... But dang will I miss those sunrises...