Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day

Today can be a strange day... The day after Christmas... Boxing Day, they call it in England.

After all the holiday festivities have gone by, and you wonder if everything in the last month has lead up to an anti-climactic day of monotonous traveling and redundant oooh's & ahhh's, with a plastered festive grin that is slowly starting to hurt your face.

Ok, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas day... Infact, I'm the Christmas Fairy! Never heard of her? Well, now you have and that's who I am... But the day after Christmas can sometimes make me feel jipped, or at least wanting to rewind the clocks back to December 1st to do it all again...

The Day-After is usually a quiet day for me (unless of course I am delusional enough to attempt gift returns with Mom at mobbed department stores). I take out the leftovers from the fridge, fix my plate of pineapple ham, corn pudding and yams, and set the microwave on reheat. I light a fire, throwing the ever-loving Duraflame log into the fireplace with the wrapper still in tact.

Hurling my pj-clad body onto the couch with my warm meal, I look out at the colorful, gleaming (fake) Christmas tree and array of opened gifts that had once held such promise and peaked curiosity.

I gaze over each item under the tree and almost wish we could wrap them back up and allow them to regain the mystery and festive beauty that speaks of anticipation.

I retreat to my Land to think and reflect on the memories of yesterday:

The old faces, the new presents, the cheerful music that played at every welcoming home...

The traveling I get to do with my Brother every holiday; our one moment to catch up and share our thoughts on our family, our lives...

The text messages I received from far off friends offering warm wishes (even though I still haven't programmed half of their numbers into my new phone and don't really know who they are from)...

The delectable treats I was (am) able to enjoy guilt free (Hey- It's Christmas!)...

The one-of-a-kind, embroidered gift I received from one of my Aunts, who put her thought, effort and love into making it such a special day...

Ok, Ok... So I guess maybe today still counts in the spirit of Christmas! Maybe this Christmas Fairy will NOT feel jipped on Boxing Day, and instead go blast some holiday jingles, press PLAY on 'A Christmas Story,' and go visit those Christmas cookies lurking around the kitchen...

Happy Holidays All!


Blogger the Wootang said...

another great thing about boxing day is that it's 1 day closer to january 2, when we're finally free from the holidays, the town empties out, and we can shred an empty mountain all day!

12/26/05, 11:14 PM  
Blogger Marissa said...

I went to a "Boxing Day" party yesterday! It was so much fun and made me happy to have something to celebrate the day after xmas. There's so much hype leading up to the season, that when it's over, you feel just so empty!

12/27/05, 4:39 PM  
Blogger john boy said...

Hey, Fairy, I'm glad you had a good holiday. I just returned from my parents', so I'll post an update soon!

We also watched "A Christmas Story" the day after Christmas :)

12/27/05, 6:20 PM  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

We had Boxing Day Pt. 1 and 2. Yee haww.

I like the day after the festivities, it's a mellow sort of feeling, laid back, lazy, relaxing after all the hustle-bustle.

Sounds like you're enjoying despite the 'let down' feeling.

12/28/05, 4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the only thing I love about christmas time, the leftovers, and the cookies.

happy holidays :)

12/29/05, 12:37 AM  
Blogger Tim Hillegonds said...

Happy New Year Alanna!

12/30/05, 10:39 AM  
Blogger Neo said...

Alanna -Hurry back soon!


Have a great and wonderful New Year!

God Bless!

- Neo

12/30/05, 4:18 PM  
Blogger the Wootang said...

happy '06, banana! hope your nye party went well. been missing you on the chats, though. But after the holidays, i'll have more free time, promise!

1/1/06, 1:04 AM  

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