Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Morning Jacket

That's the name of the band I'm heading to tonight. And incidently, no, I did not even need my morning jacket today, dispite the fact that it's the last day in Novemeber and the holiday season was officially kicked off last night with the tree lighting in Rockefeller. Crazy weather we are having, eh?

Anyway I'm digging the plaid going on in this pic. It's psyching me up for the late 70's/ early 80's prom style music to ensue. I guess that is really the only way I can discribe the sound from this band. Their musical ensemble ranges from slow ballads such as my favorite "Knot Comes Loose", to fast rocker beats like "Off the Record". All the while they do pretty well to maintain a nastalgic, echoey sound.

Plus, how gosh darn cute is their name?? (I know, I know, straight from the girl's mouth)


Blogger the Wootang said...

mahgeetah is my fav morning jacket song. and plaid is way rad. i've been looking for plaid pants for years!

11/30/06, 8:43 AM  
Blogger Marissa said...

How was it??

12/4/06, 2:38 PM  
Blogger Jinsane said...

You know that they are from my town????

I love them....hope you had a good time! XO

12/8/06, 9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, how was the band? I never heard of them? Today is December 10 and it's still gorgeous here in Cleveland. And I live on Lake Erie, where it should be freezing. Go figure.


12/11/06, 5:43 AM  

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