Friday, July 01, 2005

My Wish List

This posting was inspired by another e-blogger's wish list that I came across the other day. Thats when I realized, I wish for so many things in my life, some realistic and attainable, and some...well, some not so practical, but wonderful and brilliant just the same...

I Wish For...

a year's supply of Cadbury's milk chocolate (imported from the UK of course)
a year's membership to New York Sports Clubs
motivation to hit the gym steadily for an entire year
confidence and trust in myself and my abilities
courage to break out of my comfort zone on my own, and discover new things about myself
perfectly sun-streaked blonde hair (that doesnt come from a bottle)
sparklers on the 4th of July
self acceptance
stilletos that feel like butter with every step down NYC streets
courage to be myself AT ALL TIMES
strength to stand up for myself
an accomplice or partner in crime
a loud and obvious "Women's Intuition"
an "OFF" switch on my brain when its time to go to sleep
my very own winged pony to fly me to my favorite childhood memories
Christmas music that is allowed to be played all year
people to stop staring at me when I'm listening to my iPod (ok, ok, singing aloud to my iPod...ahem, I mean bopping around on the street corner to my iPod)
certain people to be exactly how I need them to be
willpower to lose 10 pounds
the realization that I am my own boss
John Mayer.....period.
our society to quite telling us what our standards of beauty should be
all the hungry models of the world to be fed
a musician boyfriend
knowing exactly what I want and what will make me happy
knowing myself
a long personal letter from Sarah with an "H"
thin, lean arms (meaty chunks zapped)
that magical winged pony I now have to take me on visits to all my friends around the globe
our president not to b GWB
fat free cheese to taste as good as regular
acceptance that I will never be exactly where I want to be...and thats OK with me, its just the way it is...
someone to know me as well as I know myself
the Taylor's to be my permenant next door neighbors
a snuggly fluffy kitten (and not have to pay NYC rent for it)
someone to tell me what to do and make all of my decisions
one of Marie's midgets
a peak at my future


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alanna,
I am happy to report that I have spent the last 25 years of my life in Alannaland & I'm looking forward to many more. They have been the best years of my life!
That said, hear this: everything you need to know to make your life the best it can be is right inside you, ready to access for the asking.
You don't see what I see - a beautiful woman of strength, confidence & courage.
But keeping looking in the mirror. In time, you'll learn what I've known all along.
Have fun with you blog, honey.
All the best always,

7/2/05, 12:43 PM  
Blogger the Wootang said...

i kinda like the cadbury's from oz and nz. caramel koalas are the ones! or, put a piece of caramello in your mouth, then take a sip of bitter-ass coffee. instant magic!

10/27/05, 10:22 PM  

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